We Can

Shape Everything You Imagine

Here at Moravia Cans our world centres around Can body shaping,
sustainability and innovation

Can Body Shaping

When it comes to full body shaping, Moravia Cans have long been a pioneer and the first choice supplier for complex shaping.

We bring your shape and design specification to reality, or we deliver you something unique from our own expert design team.

Embossing and Debossing

You can always rely on the best technology from Moravia Cans, and none more so than when it comes to embossing and debossing.

Moravia Cans have patented technology that delivers true 360º all-round embossing/debossing aligned to print registration. This givies a unique and unrivaled appearance that protects your valuable product from counterfeiting.


Sustainability has always been at the core of what we do here at Moravia Cans. Our aim is to eliminate waste wherever possible.

The production of our cans is optimised to meet your specification whilst being made as lean as possible through the use of ironing and alloys.

Our Sustainability program doesn’t just look at making lighter, leaner aerosol cans, it encompasses everything around us. As a member of the Carbon Disclosure Project we take an holistic approach to the entire supply chain.

Our sustainable business model includes the target of zero waste to landfill, the re-fit of low energy lighting throughout the facility, re-use of water, the use of low temperature curing lacquers and much more.

We take sustainability seriously and over the years have developed a series of products to meet our customers goals including the lightest 150ml can (ø45×150)


High performance production lines

Over the years at Moravia Cans we have always pushed the boundaries to provide more and be the best.

This includes seeking out the most advanced and fastest manufacturing lines and equipment to produce the best and highest quality products in the most efficient way.
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